Lawyer and law domain names are restricted domain names only usable by qualified lawyers. As in Law Firming it is important to know the significance and details of lawyer and law domain names. These .law and .lawyer domains are exclusive for qualified lawyers similar to how .gov, .org and .edu domains are exclusive for government sectors, non-profit organizations and educational sectors. It is completely binding with your website address.
ICANN introduced legal extensions to domain names in 2015. ICANN, known as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, is responsible for coordinating and maintaining several databases related to the namespaces of the internet and secure operation. Law firms have been able to register their website address within the domain names such as .lawyer and .law from the year 2015, making it essential for them to consider law firm SEO services to enhance their online visibility and reach.
For example, your website address could be (or) instead of Also, your email address could be (or) instead of This end segment such as .lawyer (or) .law is known as TLD (ie) Top-Level Domain of your domain name.
Presently, there are 3 types of TLD names are available for law firms:
You may have questions like, what this kind of domain names do for my related law firm? which domain is best to use? Is this domain name plays a great role in search rankings and so on?
Now let us discuss all the facts about lawyer and law domain names in detail and crispy.
Facts of lawyer and law Domain Names
The lawyer and law domain will be available only for lawyers. The main intention of your law firm’s website is to provide your best service to your clients, potential clients, and your business. When potential clients want to reach you through a good referral, they may get first impression through your website. Even though that potential client may get an impression on you from referrals, website address reinforced them and confirmed what you are and your law firm stands for.
There are some eligibility criteria for registering under this domain.
The following person can fit to register under the law domain:
A qualified lawyer: A .law domain is not allowed for personal registration. A qualified lawyer who is all currently licensed practitioner by the relevant legal regulator to practice law.
A Law Firm: A group of qualified lawyers to engage in the practice of law. A law firm also must be authorized by a legal regulator to provide legal services aided by the best criminal lawyers in Dallas.
Law educational institution: An institution approved by legal regulator of education to provide academic part for creating a qualified lawyer
Legal regulator: An institution that is approved by international, national or state legislation to regulate the provision of legal services in a given jurisdiction.
Additionally, with the above mentioned, anyone who wants to register a new lawyer domain, they must give a phone number of licensing law firm. This additional step builds a trust aspect among who are searching for you. Now through this, you can understand how law and lawyer domain functions.
Creates Brand:
A lawyer and law domain gives you a great opening for creating your brand. A law domain permits you to descriptive domain name for your law firm. A law domain can capture the core of your law practice. If you are going to decide on your domain name, then consider your name, area of practice or your target market.
For example:
The above law domain Feldman & Feldman has a long-recognized record of real estate transactions, personal injury and employment matters and so on in law firms.
Since only qualified lawyers can apply for this domain and also they should register their phone number of licensing law firm. At present .law domain does not allow to hide the registered information of the domain owner. All the information such as name, address, contact number etc will be displayed. It will develop trust in you in your legal profession.
Creates professional impact:
Your law domain or lawyer domain will give outstanding space amongst the other entire .com domain. It will give an official and professional impact on your online presence. It helps you to target a particular audience. It allows you to reach your message to target market quickly.
Planning to transfer .law or .lawyer domain?
If you are planning to transfer another domain name to .law domain, then there may not be any more considerable improvement to your search rankings in Google search. If you are already using another domain then you may stay on that domain itself. When you transfer from one domain to .law domain, then you may lose your website traffic and potential client’s reach.
If you are getting a new .law or .lawyer domain then it is advisable and ideal choice for the new starting website.
Is this new domain increase search rankings?
In a single word, it is “no”. Based on Google’s algorithm, a direct match for a keyword phrase with your registered domain name generally increase search rankings. It is not clear whether using this domain extension will improve search rankings or not. Since sometimes if you are registering with the .com domain, you may include lawyer or law name. So all you would need to do is include practice area terms such as injury law, criminal law and so on. In this term, you may have a new direct match with your law firm. It may show a positive signal to Google search rankings.
Cost of law domain and .com domain:
Always legal TLDs are more expensive when compare with the .com domain.
Generally, you could not find .law domain for less than $200 and .com domain cost starts from $20. And keep in mind that this price should be applied each year for domain renewal.
Lack of public familiarity:
Most of the public may know about .com, .co, .uk or .in domain and they may not comfortable with the new domain such as .law or .lawyer. So it is best to go with what the audience knows.
Additional Read:
9 Key Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Law Firm SEO Agency
Why Law Firm SEO Is Essential for Lawyers