6 Tips for Writing High-Converting Email Copy | ResultFirst

6 Tips for Writing High-Converting Email Copy

High-Converting Email Copy

According to HubSpot, email marketing is still one of the leading strategies in 2019. Email marketing generates $38 for every $1 spent, delivering an average return on investment of nearly 4,000%.

HubSpot also revealed the following fascinating facts about email marketing in 2019:

  • Nearly 60% of marketers surveyed said email is their biggest source of ROI.
  • Nearly 60% of users surveyed said marketing emails influence their buying decisions.
  • Nearly half of all email opens occur on mobile.

Email marketing is clearly essential to any marketing strategy. But how can businesses convert email audiences into leads? Well, it starts with high-converting email copy.

In this article, we’ll show you how to write an email marketing campaign that works. We’ll give you some email copywriting examples to help you create your best email marketing strategy to date.

1. Personalise

Users today expect a personalized online experience. By sending your audiences personalized emails, you can keep them engaged in your product and your brand.

Get to know your audience by creating audience segments. These increase your click-through rate. Segmentation can be based on different types of data, including:

  • Demographics such as age, gender, and income.
  • Purchases history
  • Source of lead or where they opted in
  • Online habits like cart abandonment and previous email opens
  • Psychographic data like interests, activities, opinions, lifestyle, and attitude.

Once you know your audience well, you can personalize your copy. Use a free tool like HubSpot or MailChimp to source high-converting email templates to insert your personalized copy.

2. Write an irresistible subject line

When an email arrives in a user’s mailbox, they first see the subject line. Needless to say, an effective subject line is essential to getting your emails opened.

A subject line is similar to a headline in that it grabs attention. It should also prompt users to click. Use emotional language to reel in your audience. Once you have a list of possible subject lines, check their clickability with a tool like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyser.

Using first names in email subject lines increases opens by 10%. The best email marketing examples also use questions in subject lines and words like “you”. Use these strategies to write better subject lines.

subject line

3. Improve readability

Email opens are an essential first step. But opens are worthless unless you can keep your audience engaged and guide them toward your desired action.

Your audience will not keep reading an email if confronted with a “slab or text” or convoluted sentences. This is why readability is key to high-converting email copy.

Here’s how to improve the readability of your body copy:

  • Write for readers, not robots
  • Avoid jargon, use plain language
  • Shortening sentences, simplifying vocabulary
  • Use headings to make copy scannable
  • Discuss just one idea per paragraph

Check your readability with a tool like Hemmingway Editor. Your copy should be between the grades of 6-8.

4. Offer value

If readers aren’t rewarded for opening your email, they will close it. They will also be less likely to open your emails in the future.

Reward your readers by providing them with useful and interesting information, whether that is interest or product-related. You can do this by linking out to articles, statistics, or case studies. Other rewards might include discount codes, special offers, and invitations to free events. Rewards make readers feel valued by your emails, encouraging them to remain subscribed.

5. Write an irresistible CTA

Next to the subject line, your CTA is the second most crucial aspect of your email copy. The best email copywriting examples have a strong CTA.

Use your CTA to give clear instructions. The action you want your audience to take should be impossible to resist.

Related: 7 Powerful Call to Actions to Capture Leads on Your Website

6. Split test to perfection

High-converting email copywriting examples are not the result of luck. They are developed through rigorous split testing, also known as A/B testing. Split testing allows you to test several variants of your email copy to see what works best. To read more about split testing and understand why the best email marketing strategies use split testing, check out our gold mine of marketing tips.

The trick to successful split testing is testing just two different elements simultaneously. For example, test two subject lines and keep the body copy identical. Once you’ve established the best subject line, you can then test other elements, such as the body copy.

Also Read: What Is Email Marketing? How To Do Email Marketing In 2020? Complete Guide!

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