How to Generate More Sales with Ecommerce SEO | ResultFirst

How to Generate More Sales with Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO

So, you want to increase your E-commerce Sales and Profit, right?

Look no further than Search Engine Optimization.

SEO is beneficial for eCommerce websites, though it is most commonly touted to increase your web traffic.

Just imagine you want to open a brick-and-mortar store. Where will you want to open it?

Absolutely, at a place visible to customers and where people can easily find your shop.

The same principle applies to online retail stores. You need to make it more visible on Google so that your site appears whenever people search for similar products or services.

To let it happen, you need SEO.

Why SEO Is Important for eCommerce Websites

eCommerce SEO is important because it enhances your website’s position on the search engine result pages (SERPs), increases rankings, and makes your products appear so potential buyers can see, click, and buy.

  • SEO Increases rankings
  • Boosts Organic traffic
  • Drives brand awareness
  • Expands remarketing audiences
  • Improves user experience
  • Reduces paid search costs
  • Encourages more purchases of your products

Organic traffic and higher ranking on Google and other search engines are significant. The better your rankings are, the more you’ll sell without shelling out obscene amounts of money. So, SEO is important.

How to Earn More Sales with SEO

Follow the below guidelines to improve sales with search engine optimization services.

Conduct Industry & Competitor Analysis

The very first approach is industry and competitive analysis. It is an SEO comparison between two competing websites, which gives insight into why competitors are outranking you and what you can do to beat them.

SEO Competitor Analysis

The successful analysis involves researching content and other elements of the content, like links and keywords a competitor has used. It also includes:

  • Checking URLs and meta descriptions to ensure they are SEO-friendly
  • Analyzing titles and headings to check keywords
  • Examining spam scores and making the site more trustworthy
  • Evaluating incoming links and looking for more potential link opportunities
  • Checking internal links by using a tool like Internal Link Checker
  • Identifying broken links and removing them to enhance site performance
  • Reviewing content and optimizing it by using high-value keywords

Check Website Performance

Just like your laptop needs a cleaning schedule every three to six months, regular website maintenance is required to ensure it meets all the requirements of search engines and users.

Website Performance

For example, an SEO service provider checks site speed because it determines how audiences perceive a brand online. If you have a slow website, it could badly affect your search results.  Your website will be penalized.

SEO specialists improve website rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. They improve user experience and optimize on-page to produce relevant search results and a positive user experience. Also, they grow site traffic, generate leads, and enhance brand awareness.

Moreover, experts conduct SEO audits and suggest certain changes to ensure the site performs well.

Do Proper Keyword Research

A great secret to SEO success is keyword research. It’s fairly simple if you’re writing ‘how-to articles’ or other types of content.

Keyword Research

But what about eCommerce?

Be clever with keywords and ignore broad search terms. Focus on specific phrases targeted at the products you’re selling.

Let’s make things simple:

Imagine you’re selling expensive shoes online. The most prominent keyword would be ‘expensive shoes for sale.’ But there are other terms your customers can use while searching for products similar to yours.

Similarly, if your product or theme of your store is eco-friendly and you sell eco-friendly pet products, then your target keywords need to be related to your theme.

For instance, they can be “eco-friendly dog toys” and “eco-friendly pet products.”

SEO service providers help you find keywords based on your business and industry. They identify words and phrases that could be included in your content before making any changes to your website. These words are called keywords or key phrases. There are many SEO tools that they can use for keyword research.

Click to learn How to Do Keyword Research for An eCommerce Website?

The best SEO Tools are:

  • SEMRush
  • Google Search Console
  • Übersuggest
  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Keyword Tool
  • Keyword Surfer
  • Keyworddit
  • Keyword Sheeter

Use any of these tools to find hundreds of keywords relevant to your business.

Click to learn Best eCommerce SEO Tools to Optimize Online Stores

Implement Keyword

Keyword implementation or keyword use is the next step of the SEO process. Select the high-value, relevant keywords for each page you want to optimize. Google uses it to ensure which content applies to a particular search query and how the page could rank in searches for a specific term.

The point is where to use keywords on a retailer’s website. Typically, SEO agencies use them at different places, including:

  • Page titles
  • Homepage
  • URLs
  • Meta descriptions
  • Content
  • Product descriptions
  • Subheadings
  • Image alt text
  • Link Anchor Text

Remember that if you don’t optimize your website for relevant keywords, it’s difficult for search engines to determine whether your website is relevant to a search query.

Create User-friendly Content

Effective SEO services for eCommerce need unique content. The more relevant and user-friendly your web content is, the more authority you’ll have. Authoritative websites rank higher and enjoy the trust of web searchers.

User-friendly Content

Create original, fact-based, and consistent content with your brand to gain the trust and confidence of your customers.

It is good to build your own blog and continue to deliver valuable content.

Here’s how to create SEO-friendly Content

  • Carry out keyword research
  • Pick a primary keyword
  • Research your topic
  • Know who your audience is
  • Know what topics matter to them
  • Structure your content (include an introduction, main body, and conclusion).
  • Write catchy titles (use keywords if possible).
  • Add heading tags
  • Use small paragraphs
  • Optimize meta description
  • Use short, clear, and easy-to-understand sentences

Please note that quality content comes in different forms, such as Blogs, Videos, Webpages, Images, Infographics, Product Reviews, Animations, or Product Descriptions.

Optimize Your Website’s Internal Linking

A website without proper internal linking does not rank as high as those with a solid internal linking strategy.

Create a web link on your eCommerce site. This enables you to tell Google that you’re an excellent resource for what people want to buy and you’re a wealth of knowledge in whatever niche you sell in. This improves user experience.

How do you add internal links?

  • Identify important pages that you want your users to see. Add links where it makes sense.
  • Add links to related products on your product pages.
  • Use “breadcrumbs” in the navigation to let users navigate back to core pages.
  • Use easy-to-understand anchor text,

Click to learn How to optimize your internal linking strategy.

Create SEO-Optimized Product Descriptions

Every page on your site needs optimization for search engines. It is done not just to be found online but also to convert browsers into buyers.

However, a common mistake is that retailers copy product descriptions from manufacturers’ websites and paste them on their websites. This negatively impacts their search engine rankings. The key is to write unique and fresh product descriptions.

To create SEO-optimized product descriptions, take care of the following:

  • Consider the keywords and questions your customers will likely ask when searching for your product.
  • Create a buyer persona (a buyer persona describes who your ideal customers are, what their days are like, the challenges they face, and how they make decisions)
  • Formulate questions and concerns based on the needs and preferences of that persona.
  • Know what personal pain points they need solutions for.
  • What topics or things they would be interested in?
  • What is stopping them from buying your products?

After completing the list of questions, proceed to cover each point while writing a product description.

Further, each page must have a title and a paragraph or two of keyword-rich copy describing your items. Include the model number of your product (if there is one) so that you can also show up in searches for that. Also, add images of the products you sell on the product page.

In addition to all,

  • Add reviews to product pages.
  • Create a branded hashtag
  • Ask users to share their favorite products.
  • Optimize Your CTAs (check color, copy, placement, font type/size, and offer.

Other Points to Consider

On-page factors such as content, headlines and headers, title tags, structured data, image optimization, and meta descriptions must be considered. It helps increase your eCommerce traffic.

Consider the following points:

  • Core Web Vitals: Check Core web vitals, including your page load speed, how interactive pages are, and whether your website is stable.
  • Mobile Optimization: Make sure your site is properly displayed on smaller screens and is much easier to navigate. It should reformat content, display larger navigation buttons, and optimize images according to screen size.
  • User-friendliness: Check whether your customers find products they need quickly. Products are logically categorized, with the most popular categories listed first. Also, look at footer navigation, product videos, product reviews, return policy, and FAQs for stores and products.
  • Checkout Process: Improve the checkout process by deleting hidden fees, sharing shipping fees early, and restricting the number of clicks to convert.
  • Rewards Program: Show the rewards or loyalty programs to return customers.
  • Chatbot Automation: Leverage chatbot automation that answers common questions before connecting users to a live person.
  • Add Trust Signals: Use trust signals to avoid mistrust. Common trust signals for eCommerce websites are badges, third-party verifications, customer reviews, testimonials, and HTTP.
  • Keep User Data Safe: Let users feel that you protect their information (banking or card information, address, social security numbers on your website) by having an SSL certificate, letting them track all orders, creating strong passwords, and ensuring data storage is encrypted.

Bottom Line

Having an online store doesn’t guarantee consistent sales unless you’re visible to your potential customers. eCommerce SEO helps increase your visibility, attract a continuous customer flow, generate organic traffic, and rank you high on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

For successful SEO, look for a renowned SEO agency.

Also Read: 4 Unique Content Strategies for eCommerce SEO to Increase ROI

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