Attracting your prospects through an advertising campaign is just a half task completed, turning them into a customer and retaining them is another ball game altogether. It is well-said that the best customer for any business is the one it already has; however, in today’s competitive world developing and maintaining a loyal customer base is more significant than it has ever been. In this article, we have mentioned a few tips that may help business owners retain their eCommerce customers.
Make them stay
Affordable price and good customer service is just one way of retaining a customer. The other could be giving additional perks. The stats show that a small gesture can definitely go a really long way towards making any customer feel valued. Some businesses have started viral discount system where their customers get discount every time they refer a friend and their friend joins or makes a purchase. By doing so, such businesses are building a coefficient where their customer has to spread the word in order to get the discount. This is a win-win for both customers and businesses.
Customer care
It may sound old fashioned but customer care is one of the best ways of making your customers feel special. Shopping online is one-way communication processes, which may feel like an impersonal and lonely experience sometime, it is important to wish clients on their birthdays, give them a discount if you delay their product delivery; giving bonus points on a major purchase is another great way of keeping them glued to your brand, and keep coming for more. They will not only remember your brand, but are more likely to recommend you.
Marketing through e-mail
Do not underestimate the power of e-mail marketing. Experts and professionals say that newsletters are underutilized, and if used properly, they can be one of the finest ways of informing customers about your new event, or a discounted deal. Send coupon codes through e-mails, if you are a clothing brand send an e-mail regarding new collection or new fashion trends. Make sure that you make your customers feel that they are exclusive and are important to you.
Bring them back
Retaining a customer is one of the toughest challenges any business owner may face. The best way to make your customer return for another purchase is to give them a reason to return. Including a coupon in the box, while delivering their order is a great way to inviting them for a new purchase. This will persuade them to buy more.
Apart from the aforementioned, tracking customer behavior is another great way of knowing your customers. Check where your visitors are clicking, what do they look for when they browse through your website. This will help you what your customers are looking to buy and the kind of products that attract them.
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