Mobile PPC Strategy to Improve Conversion Rate | ResultFirst

Mobile PPC Strategy to Improve Conversion Rate

Mobile PPC Strategy

Our generation has witnessed significant changes in marketing strategy. If we look back a decade ago and compare from today’s scenario, then we will find, how technology has influenced the approach to modern day marketing and touched our lives.

For better illustration, take the example of smartphones. Since the evolution of smartphones, the world has come closer. People no longer feel that they stay far away as connecting with each other has become so comfortable. From video calling to instant messaging, everything helps in remaining connected with loved ones around the clock. However, the situation was a lot different as in earlier times mobile phones were just used for making and receiving calls.

The Evolution of Technology

With the aid of latest technology and constant developments, several organizations adopt different strategies to stand still in the market to give tough competition to their competitors.

Companies across the world have adopted various digital marketing techniques to take their business to the next level. However, Mobile Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has emerged as an attractive strategy as it is something that can deliver instant results.

It is a Mobile World

The days of online searches through desktops/laptops are over. Whether it is online shopping, connecting with friends, or contacting businesses, it all happens through mobile nowadays.

Let’s take a look at some stats that shows why companies are showing interest in Mobile PPC:

  • Worldwide, there will be 1 billion smartphone users by 2020. It depicts that mobile PPC is the future.
  • Companies are estimated to spend around $59 billion by 2018 for digital ads that include mobile searches; this point shows that in coming times, paid marketing on mobiles will be a boom.

This screenshot illustrates how mobile use impacts digital ads.

Mobile use impacts digital ads

Here’s another one that depicts how mobile PPC drives phone calls to businesses:

Mobile PPC drives phone calls

Thus, no wonder why mobile PPC has become the new trend. It allows companies to target mobile audiences to improve conversion rates. Now, I am going to unfold Mobile PPC strategy that can skyrocket your conversion rate:

State a Clear & Smart Goal

Clear objectives help you in taking corrective measures to stick on to the right path and for starting your mobile ad campaign, it is necessary to set up a goal that you want to achieve so that you could make most of the investment you have planned for your PPC. It primarily includes budget, a target that you want to meet, and a deadline.

Finalize Keywords

Any Mobile PPC Advertising heavily hinges on keywords and phrases.

Thus, while choosing a keyword for your ad campaign, think like a customer. Try to identify what your clients can search for so that you could complement better your campaign. Online customers, nowadays, don’t believe in wasting time. Most of the users search online with the intention to make a purchase. So, select the most relevant keywords that you think your audience is likely to search. Further, you can watch this video by Google to get an idea of choosing the right keywords.

Create a Title to Arrest Attention

To make the best purchase in the budget, users like to perform a lot of online searches. Thus, the role of an ad title is very crucial at the time of drafting your Mobile PPC strategy.

Create a compelling title that can not only capture the attention of the audiences but also coerces them to follow and explore your ad to take actions in the favor of your business. Your ad title should contain the keyword phrase closer to the users’ intention.

For instance, check out this video by Google that shows the tips for writing text ads.

Thus, it is advised to analyze and identify the users’ intent before launching your ad campaign.

Make Your Ad Mobile-Specific & Friendly

You can only create the best ad for your business when you are aware of your audiences that you want to target. Check out Google best practices for creating effective mobile ads.

Try to identify the taste of online users and reasons for their search, so that you could offer them with exactly they look for. Doing this will help you to make your ad mobile-specific with more focus on relevancy. Further, by providing a clear click-to-call option helps you to get in touch with your customers.

Use Mobile Ad Extensions

Ad extensions enhance an ad’s CTR (Click-through rate). Using ad extension will not only improve your ad’s visibility but also play a critical role in the success of your mobile ad campaign. Besides this, Google recently announced that it values the use of ad extensions and their contribution to quality scores.

Some of Google’s ad extensions include product extensions, site-link extensions, phone extensions, app extensions, review extensions, and location extensions.

Moreover, ad extensions enable you to facilitate online audiences with different options that increase their interests. Hence, using extensions can be a game changer for your ad campaign as it helps in attaining higher PPC Conversion Rate.

Take Your Audience to the Right Destination

I have observed that mobile users expect quick responses to their search queries, and if you bring them to a destination that is not relevant to their search, then it can totally spoil your ad campaign.

Taking users to the desired destination may prove worthwhile for your efforts as today’s audience without wasting a single moment like to take actions if they find relevancy to their searches.

Final Words

As I mentioned above, currently companies are more focused on targeting mobile audiences to boost their PPC conversion rates. Thus, it is the right time to create a winning mobile PPC strategy for your brand.

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