6 Effective Keyword Research Lenses | ResultFirst

6 Effective Keyword Research Lenses

In the online business world, keyword research is the cornerstone of success. However, adopting different “lenses” or perspectives in keyword research can immensely enhance effectiveness.

According to the Search Engine Journal, 61% of online businesses got high traffic in 2023 using the right keyword research strategy.

For example, Amazon has received widespread acclaim for its adept utilization of keyword research, pivotal in its remarkable success in the online marketplace.

Moreover, businesses in the USA can use keywords like “SEO Service in USA,” which can significantly boost online visibility and attract specific audiences.

The Actual Possibility Of Ranking 

The actual possibility of ranking indicates the keywords assessing the feasibility of achieving high positions in search engine results pages (SERPs) for targeted keywords. It encompasses various factors such as keyword competitiveness, website authority, content relevance, and search engine algorithms.

Ranking Possibility in SERPs

Image Source: Search Engine Land

Competition Level:

Competition level is a crucial factor. Highly competitive keywords like “SEO service in USA” might have a massive search volume, but ranking on the first page can be extremely difficult. To make the task easy, you can use tools like Ahrefs, which indicates a Keyword Difficulty (KD) score.

Strategic Use of Long-Tail Keywords:

The long-tail keywords offer a smart approach for the customer to the webpage. It helps users reach the page easily and with no hassle. These keywords are more specific and have lower competition. While their search volume might be lower, they attract users with a higher intent to convert, meaning they’re actively seeking your SEO services.

Keyword Searches in Google

Image Source: Semrush

According to Ahrefs, using long-tail keywords can enhance the visibility of the webpage for about more than 56%.

Understanding Your Website’s Authority:

Domain Authority (DA) is a metric that reflects your website’s overall authority and ranking potential. If you have a new website, targeting extremely competitive keywords with a DA of 80+ might not be realistic in the short term.

Business-Generating Topic

Business-generating topics include themes and parts that can directly or indirectly enhance the traffic, sales, and other parameters of businesses. These factors help the companies to grow, expand, and get overall profits. Here’s why focusing on business-generating topics in your keyword research is crucial:

  • Beyond Brand Awareness: While top-of-the-funnel keywords may help build brand awareness initially, they frequently don’t have the conversion power that B2B companies with longer sales cycles need. Creating a lot of generic content won’t increase average revenue per user (ARPU) or draw in qualified leads.
  • Addressing Buyer Journey: A more sophisticated approach is necessary for B2B buyers. Content that speaks to their problems informs them of market developments and establishes your company as a reliable resource is what you need to provide.
  • Nurturing Leads: It is crucial to target content at the consideration stage, which is the middle of the buyer journey. This could be educational white papers, case studies, or blog posts that highlight your experience and drive leads to become customers.
  • Targeting Bottom-of-the-Funnel (BOFU): Content from BOFU that turns interest into leads shouldn’t be overlooked. These consist of materials that illustrate the benefits of your SEO services, such as thorough case studies, free trials, or product demos.
  • Competitive Advantage: Recognize that before reaching out to you, B2B buyers will probably compare you to competitors. Even if they are not direct rivals, targeting keywords associated with “vs” or “alternatives” of your service can be a smart move.

The Feasibility Of Ranking Within A Realistic Timeframe

The feasibility of ranking within a realistic timeframe means achieving the SEO goals within the timeframe. This section has the harsh reality that not all websites can be ranked higher for the keywords overnight.

Strategy for ranking the website within a realistic timeframe

To reach your goal, you should opt for some points listed below:

  • Identify Your Goals and Objectives: Are you aiming for brand awareness, increased leads, or driving sales? Understanding your goals helps determine the keywords you target and the resources you allocate.
  • Start with Long-Tail Keywords: Focus on long-tail keywords with lower competition but higher user intent. These keywords can attract qualified leads searching for specific solutions you offer.
  • Build Domain Authority Over Time: Ranking for competitive keywords takes time and effort. Create high-quality content, build backlinks, and optimize your website to build your domain authority and improve your ranking potential gradually.

Here are some points to remember:

  • Focus on Progress: Ranking the keyword may take some time, but you should focus on your progress and celebrate your win.
  • Realistic Timeline: Set your realistic timeline while considering the competition, your resources, your website authority, and others.

According to Semrush, 41% of keyword research can rank high due to the right timeline. 

  • Long-term Approach: The SEO strategy does not work instantly or overnight. So, be patient and focus on long-term strategy. Create high-quality content consistently, monitor your progress, and adapt your approach based on data insights.

The Relative Competitive Landscape

The relative competitive landscape helps to determine the level of competition of keywords in the online world. It indicates the keyword’s competitiveness based on the strategy of the particular market or industry.

Why it matters?

Understanding the relative competitive landscape is helpful for many reasons, such as:

  • Resource Allocation: Resource allocation helps businesses like yours allocate resources accordingly. It also helps to balance the bridge between benefits and resource allocation.
  • Time Management: Understanding the competitive landscape helps in managing time effectively. As a result, you can effectively use your time with the higher competitive keywords.

Your Site’s Current Strengths

Examining your scores for key phrases associated with your primary topic is the best method to decide your topical authority. Target the top 5 or 10 spots for a sizable factor of those related keywords. As an example, remember this:

  • Great Scenario: A website focusing on a particular keyword automatically appears in the top five effects for some of the keywords about software programs, hardware, and setup instructions for keywords. This shows that the keyword space has robust topical authority.
  • Not-So-Great Scenario: Subtopics, which include software programs, hardware, and setup instructions, are not well ranked on the same website. This suggests that growing topical authority is vital.

For your site’s current strength, consider these factors:

  • Existing Content: Do you have any articles pertinent to the keywords you want to target? A remarkable base for SEO is informative, super content.
  • Traffic to Your Website: Are there any modern-day visitors to your website? Search engines can inform that your internet site is thrilling and applicable based on its cutting-edge traffic.
  • Backlinks: Do other websites hyperlink to your one-way links? One-way links or online endorsements can improve your search engine rating.

Technical Search Engine Marketing: Can search engines easily move your internet site slowly, and is it cell-pleasant? Effective SEO relies upon a well-established website.

Resources You Can Contribute During A Specific Time Frame

Now that you are aware of the topical authority benefits of your website let’s examine the tools you can use to guide your search engine optimization efforts:

  • Content Creation: Can you frequently create exceptional content that specializes in your selected keywords? Remember that developing content is always crucial for SEO fulfillment.
  • Link Building: Can you commit the time and power vital to achieving one-way links from reliable websites? A good sized determinant of search engine rankings is oneway links.
  • Website Optimization: Can you improve your website’s technical factors to enhance its search engine ranking? Optimizing your website for search engines like Google can significantly grow its ranking potential.
  • Time Commitment: How much time can you commit to search engine optimization efforts every week or month? Since search engine optimization is continuous, normal interest is important.

Read more: How to Do Keyword Research for An ecommerce Website?


  • How do you effectively keyword research?

To effectively conduct keyword research, you must first conduct in-depth knowledge of your industry and customer wants. To simplify the task, you can use keyword optimization tools like SemRush, Ahrefs, and many more. However, know the trends that can make your keyword more competitive and well-ranked. As a result, this can enhance your website ranking and increase traffic.

  • What is the best keyword research technique in SEO?

The best keyword research technique in SEO depends on the approach. Begin by brainstorming relevant topics and seed keywords, then use keyword research tools to expand your list, analyze competition, and identify high-potential keywords. You can use many tools like SemRush, Ahrefs, Google Analytics, etc. In addition, consider user intent and market trends to prioritize keywords that align with the best content strategy.

  • What is the best free keyword research tool for SEO?

Several free keyword research tools are available for SEO. Google Keyword Planner offers valuable insights into keyword search volume and competition levels. Additionally, tools like Ubersuggest and AnswerThePublic provide keyword suggestions and related search queries. SEMrush and Ahrefs offer limited free features, allowing users to access basic keyword data and competitor analysis.

  • What are the three important aspects of keyword research?

The three important aspects of keyword research include relevance, search volume, and competition. Relevance ensures that selected keywords align with your content and target audience. Search volume indicates the popularity of keywords among users, while competition assesses the difficulty of ranking for specific keywords. Balancing these aspects helps identify high-performing keywords that drive organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.

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