Apollo Munich: Reliable Health Insurance | ResultFirst

SEO Results


Rise in Organic


Increase in Keyword


Expansion in Quality Backlinks



Technical Barriers to


Inadequate On-Page


Weak Link and Authority

Despite comprehensive technical features, the website faced issues with crawl efficiency, improper sitemap and Robots.txt configurations, and inefficient redirects that hindered optimal search engine indexing.

The website struggled with suboptimal content structure, keyword over-optimization, and insufficient engagement metrics, which negatively impacted its search rankings

Apollo Munich’s internal link structure was not effectively distributing page authority, and the external backlink profile lacked sufficient quality and relevance, diminishing the site's perceived trustworthiness and authority.

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Our team conducted an in-depth audit covering aspects such as crawl efficiency, XML sitemap integrity, Robots.txt configurations, and the optimization of redirects and site speed. This foundation ensured that technical barriers to search engine indexing were minimized.

We refined the use of HTML tags (H1, H2, H3) to enhance content structure and navigability, meticulously reviewed keyword distribution to avoid over-optimization, and ensured that content was both relevant and engaging to target customers. Descriptive alt tags were added to images to boost their search engine visibility.

A strategic review and restructuring of Apollo Munich’s internal linking architecture were implemented to improve site navigation and distribute page authority effectively across the website. Additionally, the backlink profile was thoroughly analyzed to assess and enhance the quality and relevance of external links, further strengthening the site’s authority and trustworthiness in search engines.

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