Ecommerce Site's Performance With Structured Data | ResultFirst

How To Boost Your Ecommerce Site’s Performance With Structured Data

Structured data on your eCommerce site is a strategic approach to boosting online Types of Featured Snippets That Can Boost Your Website Visibility, provide a good site experience, and increasing sales.

Backlinko says, “72.6% of pages on the first page of Google use schema.

So, a standard format for providing information about an eCommerce SEO services page is crucial to understanding your products in search results. It leads to rich snippets (product prices, ratings, availability, and so on).

It doesn’t stop here; read the article till last:

Understanding Structured Data and Its Benefits for eCommerce

Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content.

For example: “On a recipe page, what are the ingredients, the cooking time and temperature, the calories, and so on.”

Understanding Structured Data

Source: Hubspot

Benefits of Structured Data for Ecommerce

Structured data offers a multitude of advantages for your online store, including:

  • Rich Snippets: 

48.11% of all SERPs have at least one rating result in the top 20.”

Implementing schema markup can trigger rich snippets in search results.

These enriched presentations display additional product information, such as price, ratings, availability, and high-resolution images.

This grabs user attention and can significantly increase click-through rates (CTR).

Related: Types of Featured Snippets That Can Boost Your Website Traffic

  • Improved Search Ranking: 

While search engines haven’t explicitly confirmed schema markup as a direct ranking factor, it can indirectly improve your ranking by enhancing user engagement and click-through rates, which are well-established ranking signals.

Page Speed

Source: Backlinko

By providing search engines with richer information about your products, you’re helping them understand your offerings better, which can potentially lead to a higher ranking in relevant searches.

  • Enhanced User Experience: 

Structured data helps users find the information they need quickly and easily. Imagine searching for a specific type of shoe and seeing results that display the size, colour, and material on the search engine results page (SERP).

31- 48% of visitors say that a website’s design is the most crucial factor in deciding the brand’s credibility.

This eliminates the need to click through multiple websites, improving user experience and satisfaction.

Types of Structured Data Relevant for eCommerce Websites

  1. Product schema

Product schema markup is a form of structured data that defines the various components of your product pages for search crawlers. You can use it for services as well.

Product schema

Source: SchemaApp

Its purpose is to help search engines provide better results to users. Utilize product schema markup is a way for companies to use their websites to stand out from their competitors in terms of SEO.

1. Review schema markup

Review schema is a structured data markup that provides search engines like Google with details about reviews and ratings for products, recipes, movies, and more.

schema markup

Source: SEOTesting

Search engines may use this markup to display user reviews and ratings within search results.

2. Aggregate rating

An aggregate rating schema is a schema markup that displays star ratings in Google search results.

Source: Whitespark

Google uses this information to generate rich snippets, which are short descriptions that appear beneath a website’s title and URL in search results.

Rich snippets can improve your click-through rate (CTR) by making your listing more eye-catching and informative.

3. Breadcrumb schema

Breadcrumbs provide a navigational trail for users on a website, allowing them to understand their current location within the site’s structure.

Breadcrumb schema

Source: Schema Pro

They improve the user experience and help search engines understand the layout and hierarchy of your site.

4. Video

Video schema markup is code that helps search engines better understand and display your video content in search results.

Video schema markup

Source: Semrush

Adding video schema markup to your web pages provides additional information about your videos, such as the title, description, thumbnail, video duration, upload date, and more.

How to Implement Schema Markup for Ecommerce Websites

  1. Writing Effective Product Descriptions with SEO in Mind

Here’s a breakdown of how to craft effective product descriptions that are optimized for search engines (SEO):

Before diving in, understand who you’re writing for. What are their needs and pain points? What language do they use to search for products?

SEO best practices:

  • Keyword research: 

Identify relevant keywords with high search volume but low competition. Include these keywords naturally throughout the description, but avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Strategic placement: 

Include keywords in the title, meta description, image alt text, and throughout the body copy, but focus on readability.

  • Unique descriptions: 

Avoid duplicate content across product pages.

Compelling Content:

  • Clear and concise language: 

Keep it easy to understand. Aim for a conversational tone while maintaining professionalism.

  • Benefit-driven copy: 

Highlight the product’s key benefits and how it improves the customer’s life.

  • Length: 

Consider the product’s complexity. Simpler products need 125 words, while intricate ones benefit from 300 or more.

  • Call to action (CTA): 

Tell the customer what to do next, whether adding the product to their cart, learning more, or contacting you.

  1. Integrating Customer Reviews and Ratings

There are several ways to integrate customer reviews and ratings into your business strategy:

Website Integration:

  • Product Pages: 

Product Pages

Source: Semrush 

These are pages for showcasing reviews. Customers should be able to leave star ratings and written reviews directly on the product pages.

  • Dedicated Reviews Page: 

Create a page showcasing various reviews across various products or services.

  • Customer Testimonials: 

Feature positive reviews with customer names or photos to add a personal touch and build trust.

  • Star Ratings: 

Display star ratings prominently on product listings and search results for a quick visual cue.

Beyond the Website:

  • Email Marketing: 

Include snippets of positive reviews in marketing emails to build trust and social proof.

Email Marketing:

Source: OptinMonster

  • Social Media: 

Share positive reviews on social media platforms to increase engagement and brand awareness.

  • Advertising: 

Consider incorporating positive review excerpts into your advertisements to add credibility.

The Future of Schema Markup for Ecommerce

Schema markup, or structured data, is a communication bridge between your website and search engines.

It provides a standardized way to categorize and describe your products, making it easier for search engines to understand your offerings and display them more effectively in search results.

For eCommerce businesses, schema markup offers a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Rich Snippets: 

Schema markup can trigger rich snippets in search results, displaying additional product information like price, ratings, availability, and high-resolution images.

Rich Snippets

Source: SEJ

This enriched presentation grabs user attention and can significantly increase click-through rates (CTR).

  • Improved Search Ranking: 

While search engines haven’t explicitly confirmed schema markup as a direct ranking factor, it can indirectly improve your ranking by enhancing user engagement and click-through rates, which are well-established ranking signals.

  • Enhanced User Experience: 

Schema markup helps users find the information they need quickly and easily, leading to a more positive user experience.

The Evolving Landscape of Schema Markup

The schema markup landscape constantly evolves, with new properties and functionalities emerging. Here’s a glimpse into what the future holds:

  • Focus on User Intent: 

Search engines are increasingly emphasizing understanding user intent. Schema markup that caters to specific user queries, including size guides, warranty information, or assembly instructions, will become increasingly important.

  • Actionable Results: 

The future of eCommerce lies in allowing users to take action directly from search results.

Schema markup that integrates features like “add to cart” buttons or in-stock information will be a game-changer.

  • Voice Search Optimization: 

“More than 58% of users use voice search to find local businesses.”

As voice search continues to gain traction, schema markup optimized for voice queries will become essential. Implement relevant question-and-answer schemas to capture voice search opportunities.

  • Visual Search Integration: 

Visual search engines like Google Lens are gaining popularity. Rich product schema markup with high-quality images will be crucial for appearing in visual search results.

  • Microdata and Microformats: 

While JSON-LD is currently the preferred schema markup format, new microdata and microformat functionalities could emerge, offering alternative implementation methods.

Embracing the Future of Schema Markup: Strategies for Ecommerce Businesses

Here’s how you, as an eCommerce SEO expert, can leverage the future of schema markup:

  • Stay Updated: 

Follow industry blogs, search engine developer resources, and attend relevant webinars and conferences to stay informed on the latest schema markup developments.

  • Invest in Structured Data Tools: 

Utilize tools and plugins for your CMS or eCommerce platform that simplify schema markup implementation.

  • Prioritize User Intent: 

Go beyond basic product data and integrate schema markup that answers user questions and addresses specific needs.

  • Embrace Voice Search: 

Optimize your schema markup for voice search queries by incorporating natural language questions and answers.

  • Integrate High-Quality Images: 

Optimize product images for clarity and detail, which is crucial for visual search success.

  • Collaborate with Developers: 

Work with your development team to ensure proper implementation and testing of schema markup across your website.

Bottom Line:

Incorporating structured data into your eCommerce site is a powerful method to elevate your online presence and optimize user engagement.

By providing search engines with precise product information, you can achieve enhanced SERP features that attract more potential customers.


  • What is an example of structured data on a website?

Structured data on a website includes metadata that helps search engines understand the content, like markup for products, reviews, or events, making the site more search-friendly.

  • What is structured data for an eCommerce site?

Structured data for an eCommerce site includes schema markup for product details, prices, availability, reviews, and ratings, helping search engines display rich snippets and enhance search visibility.

  • What is the best structure for an ecommerce website?

The best structure for an eCommerce website includes a clear hierarchy with categories, subcategories, product pages, a consistent URL structure, intuitive navigation, and optimized metadata for SEO.

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