At a time when the internet is fast becoming the backbone of many companies, any lapse in network security can quickly bring any business to a grinding halt. A few days back, the world saw a malware attack that has hit at least 150 countries. It is ransomware that locks the computers and asks for money to restore them. Let’s decipher it to understand how it works and how you can avoid becoming prey.
The malware used the weaknesses in Microsoft’s Windows operating system to spread at a pace never seen before. The ransomware named as “WanaCryptor,” “WeCry” used the vulnerability in the Windows Server component to get inside the corporate networks. The virus took control of the user’s files and demanded USD 300 to restore access.
The attack affected lakhs of computers worldwide, and said costs would double after three days. It also threatens to delete the files after seven days if no payment is made.
The ransomware, more often than not, includes a clock with a countdown time for paying the ransom. The consequences for not paying the ransom may be deleted files and documents. The agony doesn’t end here; even if you pay the ransom to unlock the machine, that doesn’t mean they will remove the malicious software from your computer. They may plant other malware in your computer to remove the additional information and sell personal and other important information for money.
Besides Windows 10, which is the latest version, the vulnerability is present in all the previous versions of Windows. With the help of Microsoft’s first patch, users of all previous versions of Windows can easily protect themselves from the infection. If you have been updating the systems, you might not be affected by the virus. You can also protect yourself against the virus by not opening malicious email attachments.
With a few precautionary steps you can guard yourself against any future infections. These steps are:
Thus, with a proper understanding of the virus and its working, you can protect yourself against any attacks.