The Paralysis of Possibility is a trap and no one, trust us on this, no one would want to fall into it! The fact that you are bound and unable to take a step forward leaves every professional man bewildered. And this scenario is most commonly faced when you have a vast source of information/data. The information overload, especially in the field of web designing and marketing (the digital realm), puts great stress over the marketers and developers. Knowing that more than 55% of all the websites developers use analytics, it is easy to decipher that most of them must be facing the analysis paralysis phenomenon. It is a position where the marketer has so much information that he is unable to decide what action to take.
Also Read: 10 SEO Commandments For 2014
And when search engine optimization is the target, the professionals face this issue quite often. With search engine optimization it is hard to decide how far to dig and what to discover, the field is so vast and the targets so profound that picking or prioritizing them one by one becomes difficult. Thus, to help you surpass this tough stage, here are the 10 questions that you need to ask yourself to break the analysis paralysis:
Well, this one is a bit philosophical approach but what’s life without a little meaning in it! The more options you have the more you find yourself in a difficult place to deal with the situation. Getting loads and loads of information can be stressful; when you have no idea where, how and when you are going to implement it. The key here is to devise a plan to boost your website SEO services, prioritize your goals and see which efforts would help you achieve your desired goals.
Keep on asking yourself what will benefit the customers. The whole digital world is dependent on the visitors and customers. Discover ways through which you can utilize the data you have, to improve the customer’s experience. For example, the trend of voice search and AI is on the rise and the data you have collected must have proven this. Thus, this calls for implementing these trends in your web services! The real idea is to make the online journey for the visitors cheerful. Hence, first jot down all the things that would positively affect it and then work on it.
Tada! Here’s the golden rule that will help you a lot to escape the paralysis by analysis!
Whatever goal you have in mind and no matter on what project you are working, make sure you have given yourself and your team a deadline. Working within a specific time frame gives you the boost that is actually required to finish the task at hand. It allows you to plan the task and divide it into days which are required to achieve the end result.
This is more or less the continuation of question number two. In order to overcome the shortcomings you face while dealing with the customers, you need to understand their behavior. So, did you try to do that? The main things you need to look into include how the visitor found your website, the pages they visited and how much time did they spend there along with the action they took.
With so many KPIs to analyze the digital efforts, it is hard to take actions to improve them all. Therefore, you need to pick a few best ones that would directly reflect the performance of your business and analyze them to produce more effective results.
Ask yourself this question and measure how far you have come in the journey of breaking the analysis paralysis. The real barrier that we face is the concern of whether our idea is going to work or not. In this regard, Ross Simmonds in 2017 in his keynote at Webbdagarna discussed the benefits of testing a hypothesis and how experimentation simplifies the whole process. All you have to do is build, ship, learn and decide. He says, “By embracing this very lean and straightforward model, it allows me to come up with ideas quickly, but kill them even quicker. It allows me to experiment without fear.”
This is another simple way of managing the data to break the analysis paralysis. The Google analytics dashboard offers a productive report of the main metrics that you are following. It carves your path and helps you focus in the right direction. The main metrics on the dashboard include users, number of pages viewed, bounce rate, audience distribution, the most popular content and a lot of other things.
Many beginner e-commerce owners make this mistake of relying on the number of page visits that the customers make. Instead, they must be looking into the leads and conversions made and the number of clicks on the purchase button to measure the success of the online shopping project. The whole idea of using the analytics is to see whether the business is making progress or not and for this you need to look at the right place.
The Google analytic program strictly conducts its function of analyzing every data and all the business efforts made every now and then. Thus, providing an ocean of information but, not all of it needs instant attention. Some problems can be dealt with after some time and so you should focus only on the ones that need immediate attention.
The visual presentation of the data rather than the numerical one influences the worker to take action. The stats are right in front and the visualization keeps the mind’s attention intact. The graph bars and the charts make it easy to understand the logistics and you can then take action accordingly.
Google analytics is a blessing for the digital experts and specialists and by keeping these ten questions in the plan, the curse of analytic paralysis can be easily broken.