Why people love SEO (and you should, too) - ResultFirst

Why people love SEO (and you should, too)

Like it or not, a site that’s well optimized for search engines and at the same time provides great content is more successful than others. Some designers may say otherwise – that great content is good enough to attract traffic. Well, I argue – what if nobody finds that great content? What if nobody’s there to appreciate its greatness? That’s where SEO can help. Plus, an SEO’s job today is not limited to making your site search friendlier. It’s more than that.

Why people love SEO

Google suggests webmasters invest in SEO and also provides an SEO starter guide. But hey, that’s not the only reason why people love SEO. There’re many, many of them. Let’s walk through some:

SEO helps your customers find you easily

The basic and probably the most important benefit of SEO is that it helps increase the findability of a site on search engines. States suggest that over 91% of internet users rely on search engines for the information they need. SEO helps give them the most relevant answers to their questions.

Also Read: Need Of SEO And Its Functioning

SEO helps you gain predominance in your niche

If you’re ranking high on most of the highly-searched keywords in your industry, then your business thrives at an even better rate. It works like this: suppose you want to have a burger, and the first name to strike your mind would quite possibly be McDonald’s. Similarly, when you think of online shopping, it’s Amazon. That’s because brands such as Amazon and McDonald’s have made themselves ubiquitous in their niche, leaving a lasting impression on our minds.

SEO rocks for you when the tide is low

Words for WP are a good example here. It’s the only copywriting firm that’s dedicated to WordPress, but unfortunately, it’s not invested in SEO and hence doesn’t rank organically on any revenue-generating keyword – a great opportunity lost.

SEO is often better than paid advertising

While both SEO and PPC are important for a successful online marketing campaign, SEO often eclipses PPC when it comes to small businesses. Though it’s difficult to rank high on generally-searched keywords for such businesses, they can leverage options such as local SEO and geo-targeted keywords.

SEO is a crucial part of the emerging trend – inbound marketing

We all are gradually moving toward inbound marketing. At ResultFirst, we love calling ourselves SEOs still but this new trend is seemingly making a lot of sense. Aside from search, which is its pivotal part, inbound marketing includes all free-traffic driving sources such as email, content, PR, social, etc.

Unfortunately, some people still despise SEO!

Especially content marketers, designers, and people who’ve unfortunately come across black-hat SEOs. A few bad eggs in our industry have tainted its image bad by manipulating rankings, using an endless list of dodgy practices, and ending up everything in chaos. They’re a hell lot of sites duped. There’re sites penalized, too. But all this should (and must) not stop people from taking an SEO service. Rather, they should be cautious enough to zero in on the right firm.

Also Read: SEO Services And Its Benefits

What’re your thoughts on search engine optimization? Let’s know in the comments.

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