410 Gone Error - HTTP Status Code Explained - ResultFirst

What Does HTTP Status Code 410 Mean For Your Website?

Your website is the foundation of your online presence. It’s where you showcase your brand, connect with customers, and drive revenue. 

“However, hidden within your website may be a silent saboteur: the 410 Gone error.

This seemingly minor issue, where a page or resource, once available, is permanently removed, can significantly impact your search engine rankings, frustrate users, and ultimately damage your bottom line.

The 410 Gone error disrupts the user experience, erodes trust, and misleads search engines, hindering your website’s ability to attract organic traffic and convert leads. 

Let’s cut through the technical jargon, revealing the real-world impact of 410 errors. We’ll then equip you with actionable strategies to identify and resolve these issues, ensuring your website remains a high-performing asset that drives business growth:


What Is HTTP Status Code 410?

HTTP Status Code 410, commonly known as “Gone”, is a response status mechanism. It gives you information about the resource you’re trying to access, which is permanently gone. 

It’s not a temporary issue or a page that’s just missing—it’s a definite signal that the URL used to exist but is now gone for good. 

Unlike a 404 error, which suggests the page might come back or has been moved, a 410 makes it clear there’s no return to that resource.

If you get a 410 Gone response from a server, it means the page has been intentionally removed. Webmasters use this status to inform search engines that the page should be de-indexed since it will not be returning.

Let’s take an example : “If a product is discontinued or a service is no longer offered, the server might return a 410 status code for that URL.” 

410 - Sitechecker

Source: SiteChecker

A 410 Gone response means the page was removed on purpose. It tells search engines to stop showing the page because it’s not returning. For example, a server might use it if a product is discontinued or a service is no longer offered.

Let’s decode the components of 410 Status Code:

  • Purpose: Hints to a permanent removal of a resource
  • Implication: You’ll become unable to access the resource in future
  • SEO Impact: Search Engines will stop showing the page on SERPs


So, if you get stuck with a 410 error, then don’t expect that the page will reappear in the future. It’s a signal to you that the page is gone for good, and now you need to update your links, hit it or go for alternative resource options

Different programming languages and frameworks technically use constants to represent this status code, like HTTP.StatusGone in Go or Response::HTTP_GONE in Symfony. These constants make it easy for developers to add the 410 status to their apps.

The crux of that matter is that a 410 Status Code clearly shows that a page is permanently gone. Any links to that page should be updated or removed to keep your site navigation smooth.

What Are The Reasons Behind The “410” Error?

The “410 Gone” error is an HTTP status code that tells you a resource has been permanently removed from the server. This helps developers and users manage their expectations and improve their web experience. Here are a few common reasons why this might happen:

  • Intentional Removal: 

A 410 error occurs when someone purposely removes a resource. They might remove the content because it’s outdated, irrelevant, or for legal reasons. For example, during a major website redesign, the team might remove pages that no longer fit the new structure.

  • URL Changes:  

Sometimes, websites change URLs when updated or renamed. If the server doesn’t direct visitors to the new URL, it shows a 410 error. This happens during website changes when people don’t set up the links correctly.

410 Error

  • Accidental Deletion: 

Sometimes, pages get deleted by mistake. If the server doesn’t redirect users to another page, it will show a “410 Gone” error. This can happen when things aren’t set up properly.

  • Server or Hosting Issues: 

The “410 Gone” error may be due to server misconfigurations or hosting problems. This issue takes place in two situations, either in “Server Overload” or “Issues with the hosting provider.”

Note: As you have seen earlier, a “410 Gone” status shows that a resource is permanently gone. So, if the removal isn’t intentional, you need to find its cause. It becomes more important when you’re handling a large website or online service.


Which Is Better For Deleted Pages On Your Website: 404 Or A 410?

Imagine a situation when your web page suddenly disappears on the site; you may have a dilemma about whether to use a 404 or a 410 Status code. So, going with the right status code is important for both user experience and search engine behaviour:

  • 404 Not Found: You can use this code when your page cannot be found. It can happen for multiple reasons, such as “Mistyped URL” or “Temporary unavailability of page.” This seems like, “ We can’t find what you’re looking for right now, but maybe it’ll come back.”
  • 410 Gone: It hints to browsers or search engines that the page is gone for good. This message is permanent and directed towards intentionally removing the page, with no future return.


When To Use Each Status Code

  • Temporary Removal: 404 is a go-to-option in cases when the page might come back, or it’s just moved. It signals search engines to look at these pages later.
  • Permanent Removal: When the page is permanently gone, similar to an expired promotion or a discontinued product, “410 Gone” is your go-to option. It allows search engines to clean up their indexes quickly.
  • SEO Considerations: HTTP response status codes influence how search engines handle your site. A 410 tells search engines to remove the page from the results, while a 404 may stay in the results for a bit longer. 

Using the right status code keeps your site tidy and ensures that search engines and users get the right message about your content’s availability.

If a page is temporarily unavailable, use a 404. If it’s permanently removed, choose a 410. This decision affects how search engines handle and rank your pages.


How To Identify A 410 Error Code

A 410 error is easy to identify. It means the web page or resource you’re trying to access is permanently removed from the server. Unlike a 404 error, which suggests the page might return, a 410 indicates the page is gone for good.


Tracking a 410 Error:

  1. Check The Browser Message: If you’re trying to visit an already removed page. Your browser will display messages like “410 Gone” or Just “Gone.” It signals that the removed page will not appear in the future.
  2. Use Developer Tools: Most browsers offer developer tools, usually accessible by pressing F12. Go to the “Network” tab, refresh the page, and check the list of requests for the status code. If you find “410,” that’s your confirmation.
  3. Server Logs: If you can access the server logs, they can provide useful information. Look for entries showing the status code 410 to identify which resources are gone.


At times, a 410 error is intentional. Webmasters may use it to inform search engines that a page is permanently removed, helping to clean up search results.

What Are The Main Reasons Behind 410 Errors?

Let’s break them into tabular form:

Causes Description
Intentional Removal Sometimes, the resource is intentionally removed. It may be due to outdated or irrelevant pages.
URL Changes Sometimes, URLs are changed, and if the old URL shows a 410 error, there’s no new link to replace it.
Mistakes Sometimes, a page might be deleted due to an accident, and if it is not handled properly, it results in 410 errors.


Follow These Practices To Fix “410” Error

If you use HTTP status code 410, popularly known as “Gone”, then it seems like you’re telling the internet “, This page has left the building for good.”  It’s a signal that the resource is gone and won’t return. Here are some strategies to consider while using this status code:

  • Redirect to similar content: If your website has another page covering similar information, you can set up a redirect. So, when the user clicks the link, it redirects them to something information rather than nothing.
  • Update Links: Remove or update any internal links redirecting you to the deleted page to smoothen your site navigation.
  • Inform Users: Some websites also inform their readers about removing popular pages.


Difference Between 404 and 410 Error Codes

The 404 error indicates that a page is not found but might return, often due to temporary issues or incorrect links. On the other hand, the 410 error signifies that the page has been permanently removed and will not return. 

While a 404 might stay indexed in search engines, a 410 instructs them to remove the page from their results. The key distinction lies in the permanence of the issue: 404 is often a temporary state, while 410 is a clear signal of permanent content removal.

Here’s a simple table showing the difference between 404 and 410 Error Codes

Feature 404 Error Code 410 Error Code
Meaning The page is not found but might return The page is permanently removed
Search Engine Action Search engines may keep the page indexed Search engines remove the page from the results.
Use Case For temporary issues or unknown status For pages intentionally deleted forever
Common Cause So Mistyped URLs or broken links Outdated content or discontinued pages


The Final Word

The HTTP 410 status code or “Gone” clearly shows that a page has been permanently removed. It helps users and search engines understand that the content isn’t returning. Contrary to this, a 404 status code error suggests that the page might return in the future. Choosing the right code keeps your site organized and user-friendly.

The 410 code can boost your site’s performance by flagging outdated links and reducing unnecessary server requests. So, apply it thoughtfully to improve both user experience and SEO.



HTTP Status Code 410 shows that the resource you’re trying to access is unavailable on the server and won’t come in the future, differentiating it from a 404 error.

404 and 410 errors mean a page isn’t available, but they differ. A 410 clearly says the page is gone forever, while a 404 means the server can’t find it right now, but it could come back later.

Use a 410 status code when a page is permanently removed and won’t be replaced. This lets search engines know they should stop indexing the page.

Not necessarily. A 410 error helps search engines clean up irrelevant or outdated pages. However, too many 410s on important pages could harm your site’s SEO visibility.

Yes, it can. Search engines will remove the page from their index, which may affect rankings and visibility, especially if key pages return a 410.

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